10k - Novice

Who this plan is for:
First time 10K runners
Runners who have already completed a 10K, but not within the past 6 months
Runners willing to commit to running four days per week
De Novo Harriers members who are ridiculously supportive of their fellow runners!!!
Recommended base prior to commencing the plan:
Completed at least one 5K race in the prior 3 months
Have been regularly running 3 times per week for past 3 months
Have been running for at least 3 months
Your longest run has been at least 30 mins (within the past 3 weeks)
You are injury free!
Week # | Run 1 | Run 2 | Run 3 | Run 4 |
1 | 25 CP | 30 Workout | 25 Easy | 30 Long |
2 | 25 CP | 35 Workout | 25 Easy | 35 Long |
3 | 25 CP | 40 Workout | 30 Easy | 40 Long |
4 | 30 CP | 40 Workout | 25 Easy | 30 Long |
5 | 30 CP | 40 Workout | 35 Easy | 45 Long |
6 | 30 CP | 40 Workout | 35 Easy | 50 Long |
7 | 30 CP | 40 Workout | 35 Easy | 55 Long |
8 | 30 CP | 40 Workout | 30 Easy | 30 Long |
9 | 30 CP | 40 Workout | 40 Easy | 60 Long |
10 | 30 CP | 40 Workout | 40 Easy | 60 Long |
11 | 30 CP | 40 Workout | 30 Easy | 45 Long |
12 | Extra Rest Day | 30 Workout | 20 Easy | Goal Race |
Helpful notes and hints:
Rest days: The program is designed to allow flexibility of when you take your 2 rest days, try to spread them out in the week
Order of runs: Although flexibility in timing of your rest days, try to keep the order of the runs per plan
Cross training: Functional strength/core training is important, try to build in at least 3 sessions of 45 mins to your week (non-cardio)
The basics: Always use common sense, listen to your body, don’t train through injuries, pay attention to nutrition and hydration
Races: Build up races are good for many reasons, help with strategy, reduce race day nerves and can be fun with Harriers. Consider a 5k race early in the plan (instead of run 4); a 10k half way through and a fast 5k a couple of week out from goal.
Types of runs:
CP: conversation pace run, the core running pace each week - just on the edge of breathlessness throughout the run.
Easy run: this is what it says on the can, enjoy the running time, should not exert too much effort.
Workout: the one quality session of the week, try doing the Harriers workout, time includes some warm up/cool down.
Long run: a key run each week, conversation pace effort i.e. effort i.e. just on the edge of breathless but could hold a conversation
Goal race pace: If you think your goal race pace will be great than 13 minute miles, consider adding 20 mins to long run from week 7 onwards